The ideal ratio of flour, eggs, and egg yolks for nailing that fresh made pasta at home.
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 2 whole eggs
- 4 large egg yolks
- water ((as needed))
- extra flour ((as needed))
- Pour your 2 cups of flour in a pile either on a clean work surface, or in a large bowl (to minimize the mess in your kitchen).
- Create a “well” in the pile of flour. Pour the 2 eggs and the 4 egg yolks into the well.
- Whisk the egg and flour together by gradually drawing in more flour to the inside using a spoon or fork.
- Once the flour and eggs have been thoroughly mixed, get your hands dirty and knead the dough together for 5-8 minutes. It will become a cohesive, smooth mound of dough.
- Let the dough rest in a covered bowl for one hour. If you’re going to be using the dough later in the day or even the next day, store it in the fridge but let it sit for an hour to reach room temp before rolling out into pasta.
- To make rolling out the dough easier, split your ball of dough into four sections. Working with one section of dough at a time, use a rolling pin to roll out the dough.
- Put the rolled out dough through your pasta making at the widest setting, slowly working your way to the mid-width setting. A basic pasta maker will have widths labeled 1-6. Start on 6, and work your way to 3.
- Finally, put your ribbon of dough through the pasta maker in the style of your choice.
- Be sure to use extra flour when necessary if pasta dough starts to feel sticky. You don’t want any of your pasta noodles or pieces to get stuck together. Likewise, if the dough starts to get craggy and dry, add a little bit of water to make it more workable.
- Boil some water and cook your pasta as you would the store-bought kind – but only for about 3 minutes.